23 healthy new years resolution that have nothing to do with changing your body in 2023

23 new years resolution that have nothing to do with changing your body in 2023


They say time flies when you’re having fun, so 2022 must have been a blast! Each year when January 1 rolls around we are all inundated with messages about a new year needing a new (and thinner/smaller/fitter/’healthier’) us, so this year we thought we would share with you 23 new years resolutions that are all about health and wellbeing, not body weight, shape or size.

Focusing on your health in 2023 doesn’t have to mean starting a new, often restrictive diet, or an extreme exercise plan, and definitely doesn’t have to focus on shrinking our wonderful, unique bodies. Here are 23 attainable, health and wellbeing focused resolutions, that are all about self care, not self control!

1. practice mindfulness

2. do a regular digital detox

3. try a new recipe each week

4. introduce a healthier sleep routine

5. reduce screen time

6. try a new hobby

7. book in routine health appointments (skin, gynaecological, dentist, blood tests...)

8. start volunteering

9. try a new workout

10. commit to a cleaning schedule

11. stop procrastinating

12. plan regular family catch ups

13. quit smoking/vaping

14. start journaling

15. practice doing one thing at a time

16. clean out your wardrobe

17. make your bed every morning

18. use SPF daily

19. clean your makeup brushes regularly

20. go for walks without your phone

21. practice setting boundaries

22. read more books

23. practice self compassion  

If 2023 is the year you want to improve your relationship with food, learn about managing PCOS, endometriosis, or any other chronic conditions through diet, or recover from an eating disorder click here to book in with a Wholebeing CO dietitian today!