Why we LOVE regular eating at TWC!

Why we LOVE regular eating at TWC!


in eating disorder recovery and beyond

In eating disorder and dieting recovery regular is eating is a wonderful place to start, providing a base from which we can work towards a positive relationship with food…

1.     Provides the foundation for ‘normal eating’

Eating regularly and consistently throughout the day provides the foundation for normal eating through structure, and provides a rhythm and routine for meals. This can provide a sense of ease and safety as we settle into the routine, and our body and brain no longer have to worry about when we are eating next.

2.     Meeting nutrition needs

Including regular meals gives us more opportunities to include a variety of foods, nourish our bodies, and meet our energy requirements. Eating regularly also allows an adequate volume of food to be spread throughout the day, making it feel a bit more manageable.

3.     Reconnect to hunger and fullness cues

Eating regularly throughout the day supports the body to get back to its natural patterns and hunger and satiety to return. Knowing we are going to eat again soon(ish) after eating and won’t be going long periods without eating can also allow us to respond to fullness signals, reducing the risk of overeating/binge eating. Regular meals helps to avoid long periods without eating which often leads to extreme hunger, and the sense of urgency and panic, and sense of loss of control when we eat again.

4.     Avoids return to restriction or re-entering the ED/diet cycle, and maintains recovery

5.     Stabilises blood sugar levels

Eating regularly helps to stabilise blood sugar levels, helping to maintain and improve concentration, mood, and energy levels.


Need some additional support establishing regular eating? Click here to book in today!

Cathy Ellis